OnDemand Assistant Edit Services
One of the most underestimated areas in post-production workflows is the initial editorial project setup, processing and technical management of media. This critical process is often left to undertrained entry level team members. The technical mistakes and incorrect workflow decisions amplify through each stage of the post process. Leading to cost overruns and significant compromises in final mastering and delivery.
Our PODASS concierge services guarantee a seamless editorial workflow that eliminates any mastering compromises.
Assistant Services only when you need them
PODASS(istants) provide an OnDemand ‘Assistant” concierge service only when you need it. Saving significant cost over the duration of the production.
With a PODASS(istant) You get a PODASS team. Not just a single assistant with defined knowledge.
Our PODASS’s are highly trained under the supervision of our sister company, Creative Post. A post-production facility in Toronto, Creative Post has been providing world class post mastering solutions for over 35 years.

Editorial Offline Management
Our PODASS(istants) are highly trained editorial assistants that oversee all technical process’ of your post-production editorial workflow.
Offline media creation (Avid MXF/Prores Proxies)
Dailies creation and platform distribution
Avid/Premiere/Resolve project and bin creation
Script Syncing, Audio Syncing & multi-group creation

Conform and Online Media Prep
Our PODASS’s are also perfect to conform and prep your project for Video and audio conforming. If your production utilized PODASS concierge service through the entire stages of you production pipeline then PODASS can guarantee your hi-resolution conform lock at a greatly reduced fixed cost from traditional online workflows.